Lancement du 1er Appel
18 novembre 2019
Launch of the 1st
on the 18th November 2019
LIFE4BEST Small Grants are available for small-scale projects to be implemented in one or more of Outermost regions (ORs).
The type of grant available for the first LIFE4BEST call for proposals will be Swift Small Grants (≤ € 50 000).
LIFE4BEST grants can only finance costs related to actions in the EU ORs. However, proposals can seek synergy and match funding with other mechanisms such as BEST 2.0+ and BIOPAMA.
Applicants will be invited to submit first a Small Grant concept note. Concept notes must be submitted online via this portal. Please sign in after creating an account (see box at the left of the page). The concept notes will be evaluated, and pre-selected projects will be invited to submit a full proposal. Technical support can be provided by the relevant Regional LIFE4BEST focal points. Once submitted, the full proposal will be evaluated in order to allow the European Commission to make a final decision regarding the award of a grant (Please see the steps of the application process below).
After receiving validation of the concept note, you can submit your full proposal by logging on again with your account and password (see box to the left of the page).
Please read carefully the guidelines before preparing and submitting your proposal. Good luck!
LIFE4BEST Guidelines – 2019